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发布时间:2022年10月10日 11:28 | 编辑:成丹 | 作者:


    从元素的角度,开展植物气体信号(氢气和甲烷等)生物学功能的生物化学基础的研究。以通讯作者在Mol Plant、Curr Biol、Plant Physiol、Plant J、New Phytol、Nanoscale、Environ Pollut、Plant Cell Environ、J Exp Bot、Free Radic Biol Med、Chem Eng J、Food Chem和Postharvest Biol Tec等SCI刊物发表论文150多篇,入选2014-2021年爱思唯尔发布的 “中国高被引学者”榜单。


    所在的实验室与法国液化空气集团(AL; 世界上最大的工业气体和医疗气体以及相关服务的供应商之一)等国内外公司建立了合作关系。指导的研究生已经有9位获得正高职称,3位入选国家级人才计划。








1、Zhou H, Wu H, Zhang F, Su Y, Guan W, Xie Y, Giraldo JP*, Shen W*. Molecular basis of cerium oxide nanoparticle enhancement of crop salt tolerance and yield. Environmental Science-Nano 2021, 8, 3294–3311

2、 Duan X, Xu S, Xie Y, Li L, Qi W, Parizot B, Zhang Y, Han Y, Van Breusegem F, Beeckman T, Shen W*, Xuan W*. Periodic root branching is influenced by light through a HY1-HY5-auxin pathway. Current Biology 2021, 31, 3834 – 3847

3、Yang X, Kong L, Wang Y, Su J, Shen W*. Methane control of cadmium tolerance in alfalfa requires hydrogen sulfide. Environmental Pollution 2021, 284, 117123

4、Su J, Yang X, He J, Zhang Y, Duan X, Wang R, Shen W*. Methyl-coenzyme M reductase-dependent endogenous methane enhances plant tolerance against abiotic stress, and alters ABA sensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol 2019, 101, 439 – 454

5、Zhao G, Zhao Y, Lou W, Su J, Wei S, Yang X, Wang R, Guan R, Pu H, Shen W*. Nitrate reductase-dependent nitric oxide is crucial for multi-walled carbon nanotubes-induced plant tolerance against salinity. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 10511 – 10523

6、Jiang X, He J, Cheng P, Xiang Z, Zhou H, Wang R, Shen W*. Methane control of adventitious rooting requires γ-glutamyl cysteine synthetase-mediated glutathione homeostasis. Plant Cell Physiol 2019, 60, 802 – 815


1、Li L, Wang J, Jiang K, Kuang Y, Zeng Y, Cheng X, Liu Y, Wang S, Shen W*. Preharvest application of hydrogen nanobubble water enhances strawberry flavor and consumer preference. Food Chemistry 2022, 377, 131953

2、Wang Y, Zhang T, Wang J, Xu S, Shen W*, Regulation of chlorothalonil degradation by molecular hydrogen. J Haz Mater 2022, 424, 127291

3、Li L, Zeng Y, Cheng X, Shen W*. The application of molecular hydrogen in horticulture. Horticulturae. 2021, 7, 513

4、Cheng P, Wang J, Zhao Z, Kong L, Lou W, Zhang T, Jing D, Yu J, Shu Z, Huang L, Zhu W, Yang Q, Shen W*, Molecular hydrogen positively influences field and quality traits of rice. Plants-Basel 2021, 10, 2331

5、Wang Y, Wang J, Kuang Y, Shen W*. Packaging with hydrogen gas modified atmosphere can extend hen egg storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2022; 102: 976–983

6、Li Y, Li L, Wang S, Liu Y, Zou J*, Ding W, Du H, Shen W*. Magnesium hydride acts as a convenient hydrogen supply to prolong the vase life of cut roses by modulating nitric oxide synthesis. Postharvest Biol Tech 2021, 177, 111526

7、Su J, Yang X, Shao Y, Chen Z, Shen W*. Molecular hydrogen-induced salinity tolerance requires melatonin signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Environ 2021, 44, 476 – 490

8、Wang Y, Lv P, Kong L, Shen W*, He Q*. Nanomaterial-mediated sustainable hydrogen supply induces lateral root formation via nitrate reductase-dependent nitric oxide. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 405, 126905

9、Li R, Lou W, Kong L, Shen W*. Hydrogen commonly applicable from medicine to agriculture: From molecular mechanisms to the field. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2021, 27, 747 – 759

10、Wang Y, Liu Y, Wang S, Du H, Shen W*. Hydrogen agronomy: research progress and prospects. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B 2020, 21, 841 – 855

11、Zhang Y, Cheng P, Wang Y, Li Y, Su J, Chen Z, Yu X, Shen W*. Genetic elucidation of hydrogen signaling in plant osmotic tolerance and stomatal closure via hydrogen sulfide. Free Radic Biol Med 2020,161, 1 – 14

12、Su J, Nie Y, Zhao G, Chen D, Wang R, Chen J, Zhang S, Shen W*. Endogenous hydrogen gas delays petal senescence and extends the vase life of lisianthus cut flowers. Postharvest Biol Technol 2019, 147, 148 – 155

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