


发布时间:2022年10月10日 15:21 | 编辑:成丹 | 作者:

陈亚华,教授,博士生导师。现任“国家现代农业技术体系-甘薯体系-土壤和产地环境污染管控与修复”岗位科学家;中国植物生理与分子生物学会植物修复生物学专业委员会副主任;日本东京大学客座教授(adjunct professor)。
1992年本科毕业于菠菜信誉平台集合网农学系;1998年在菠菜信誉平台集合网植物生理专业获硕士学位;2006年获植物学博士学位。2001年10月-2002年4月香港理工大学研究助理。2004年3-9月在美国加州大学SAN DIEGO访问学者。2008年10月-2010年10月在日本东京大学博士后。
主要从事环境污染物管控和修复、植物-微生物互作等方面的研究。作为课题负责人主持国家十三五重点研发计划1项;先后主持国家自然科学基金课题4项、部省级课题10余项。发表论文100余篇,专利授权13项。研究成果“重金属污染土壤的化学诱导植物修复”获 2009年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果自然科学奖二等奖(2009-070)。“处理含铅、镉废水的新型生物吸附剂及其应用研究”获湖南省科技厅技术成果登记证书。
联系电话:025-84395563     联系邮箱:yahuachen@njau.edu.cn





  1. 国家现代农业产业技术体系:“甘薯土壤和产地污染管控和修复”岗位科学家;

  2. 十三五国家重点研发计划:农田重金属污染阻隔和钝化技术与材料研发(2016YFD0800700-3)2016.01-2020.12 (第三课题负责人)

  3. 国家自然科学基金:土壤生物因素对重金属污染土壤“修复和利用”的协同效应及机制(41571307)2016.01 - 2019.12 (主持)

  4. 国家自然科学基金:黄花月见草对铜排斥机制研究(31371545)2014.01-2014.12 (主持)

  5. 国家自然科学基金:丹皮酚对铜诱导的响应及作用机理(30871598),2009.01-2011.12年; (主持)

  6. 国家自然科学基金:诱导性植物提取的栽培策略研究(30300211),2004.01-2004.12. (主持)

  7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:浅水湖泊生态系统演化的模拟研究,(41030529),2011.0-2014.12.(主要参加人)

  8. 科技部水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:湘江水环境重金属污染整治关键技术研究与综合示范,2009ZX07212-001-2,2009-2011(主要参加人)

  9. 江苏省地质调查研究院:典型Hg污染耕地综合生态整治及安全利用示范:2018.01-2020.06  (主持)

  10. 江苏省林业科技创新与推广项目:盐碱地耐盐经济林木的菌剂接种技术及示范应用LYKJ[2018]37   2018.10-2020.09  (主持)

  11. 江苏省科技厅2016年省重点研发计划(社会发展)项目:重金属污染农用地安全利用与高效修复科技示范---铜矿周边重金属污染农用地安全利用与高效修复科技示范(BE2016812-3). 2016.07-2019.06(主要参加人)

  12. 江苏省科技厅2015年省重点研发计划(社会发展)项目:富铜植物残体的发酵处置以及发酵残留物资源化利用关键技术应用研究;BE2015680;2015.07-2018.06 (主持)

  13. 江苏省财政厅(江苏省农业科技自主创新资金):铜污染农田生物修复与合理利用(30万);2014.07-2017.06; CX(14)2095 (主持)

  14. 江苏省农业委员会三新工程:重金属污染农田“安全、高效生产及生态循环修复模式”技术推广及应用,SXGC[2015]320;2015.05-2016.11 (主持)

  15. 江苏省科技厅社会发展项目:土壤铜污染区污染控制与生态修复研究与技术集成示范;BK2010064;2010.07-2013.06, (主持)

  16. 江苏省自然科学基金社会发展项目:矿区污染土壤的生物修复与替代种植模式应用研究(BS2006055),2006.07-2009.06; (主持)

  17. 江苏省自然科学基金:农田重金属污染的植物修复与农产品无公害化(BK2002113),2002.07-2005.06.(主持)

  18. 江苏省高校青蓝工程(中青年学术带头人): 2012-2015

  19. 中科院南京土壤研究所土壤与农业可持续发展实验室2008年度开放课题基金:矿区土壤重金属污染的生态风险评估和生物控制修复(0812000045),2009-2011;(主持)

  20. 江苏省财政厅、江苏省环境保护厅:江苏省农田土壤重金属污染生物修复示范工程2011年重金属污染防治专项资金,2011.01-2016.12 (主要参加人)

  21. 国家自然科学基金与广东省自然科学联合基金: 电子垃圾重金属-POPs复合污染土壤的生物修复机制,U1133004,2012.01-2015.12 (第一参加人)

  22. 江苏省科技支撑计划-社会发展项目:微生物在重金属污染土壤植物钝化技术中的作用机理和应用, BE2011781, 2011.09-2014.08   (第一参加人)

  23. 江苏省科技计划项目(社会发展):“重金属污染农田土壤的低积累植物利用及其微生物调控”,资助号是“BE2014742”。2014.07-2017.12 (第一参加人)

  24. 江苏省自然科学基金:重金属污染土壤的化学与生物联合修复机制与示范;BE2013709;2014.07-2016.06(第一参加人)


  1. 一种蔬菜重金属阻隔剂及其使用方法(201910583579.1),菠菜信誉平台集合网,发明专利 申请日:2019-10, 授权日:2020-06-16, 中国, 授权号:ZL201910583579.1

  2. 一种促进植物生长发育及强化积累污染土壤重金属的生物修复试剂及修复方法. 申请日:2018-12-28, 授权日:2020-04-28, 中国, 授权号:ZL201811625706.1

  3. 一种促进超积累植物生长及强化萃取土壤重金属的生物修复试剂及修复方法. 申请日:2018-02-23, 授权日:2020-04-14, 中国, 授权号:ZL201810155094.8

  4. 一种用于高浓度铜污染土壤的外生菌根植物种植技术. 申请日:2012-11-01,授权日:2015-08-12, 中国, 授权号:ZL201210429188.2

  5. 一种小麦苗期耐盐性的鉴定评价方法. 申请日:2013-08-22,授权日:2015-04-08, 中国, 授权号:ZL201310369532.8 (农科院)

  6. 一种小麦芽期耐盐性的鉴定方法. 中国, 申请日2014-1-7  授权日:2015-05-06  授权号:ZL2014 1 0006260.X  (农科院)

  7. 一种适用于动态监测幼苗根系生长的水培装置. 申请日 2013-5-13;授权日:2014-03-12, 中国, 授权号ZL 2013 2 0255186.6

  8. 一株抗铜细菌及其应用. 申请日2012-05-18,授权日:2013-05-29;中国, 授权号:ZL201210157802.4

  9. 一种反硝化细菌及其用于水体植物-微生物联合修复方法. 申请日:2012-05-14,授权日:2013-05-29;中国, 授权号:ZL201210148166.9

  10. 沉水式水生植物浮床. 2010, 中国, 授权号:ZL201020022397.1

  11. 一种提高中草药丹皮酚含量的铜复合土壤添加剂. 2008, 中国, 授权号:ZL200810020446.5

  12. 一种通过提高土温来提高植物富集土壤金属元素的方法. 2007, 中国, 授权号:ZL 200710130990.0

  13. 一种提高螯合诱导修复效率的方法. 2005, 中国,  授权号:ZL200510040265.5


  1. Shengxiao Wang, Jie Wang, Jianmin Li, Yanan Hou, Liang Shi, Chunlan Lian, Zhenguo Shen, Yahua Chen*.2021 Evaluation of biogas production potential of trace element-contaminated plants via anaerobic digestion. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 208, 111598.

  2. Wang J, Shi L, Zhai LL, Zhang HW, Wang SH, Zou JW, Shen ZG, Lian CL, Chen YH*. 2020. Analysis of the long-term effectiveness of biochar immobilization remediation on heavy metal contaminated soil and the potential environmental factors weakening the remediation effect: a review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 207, 111261. DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.111261

  3. Liu BH, Wang SX, Wang J, Zhang XZ, Shen ZG, Shi L*, Chen YH*.2020 The great potential for phytoremediation of abandoned tailings pond using ectomycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris. Science of the Total Environment. 719, 137475.

  4. Shi L, Dong PC, Song WY, Li CX, Lu HN, Wen ZG, Wang CC, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2019 Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals novel insights into the response to Cr(VI) exposure in Cr(VI) tolerant ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus sp. 1 LS-2017. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 109935. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109935

  5. Wen ZG, Chen MY, Lu HL, Huang SQ, Xing JC, Hong LZ, Yahua Chen*. 2019 Distributions and Compositions of Brominated Diphenyl Ethers-209 in Pine Seedlings Inoculated with Ectomycorrhizal Fungi. Water Air Soil Pollut. 230(12). DOI: 10.1007/s11270-019-4338-z

  6. Jiang ML, Wang SX, Chen MY, Lu HL, Chen YH, Liang Shi*. 2019 Recycling of chemical eluent and soil improvement after leaching. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 104(1):128-133. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-019-02748-1.

  7. Wang SX, Zhang L, Jiang ML, Wang J, Xia FZ, Shi L, Xia Y, Chen C, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2019 Cyclic and safety utilisation of Cu polluted biogas residue in saline-alkali soil. Science of the Total Environment. 704, 135410.

  8. Wang J, Shi L, Zhang XZ, Zhao X, Zhong KC, Wang SX, Zou JW, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2019 Earthworm activities weaken the immobilizing effect of biochar as amendment for metal polluted soils. Science of the Total Environment. 696, 133729.

  9. Su NN, Wu Q, Chen H, Huang YF, Zhu ZB, Chen YH, Cui J*. 2019 Hydrogen gas alleviates toxic effects of cadmium in Brassica campestris seedlings through up-regulation of the antioxidant capacities: Possible involvement of nitric oxide. Environmental Pollution. 251, 45-55.

  10. Shi L, Deng XP, Yang Y, Jia QY, Wang CC, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2019 A Cr(VI)-tolerant strain, Pisolithus sp1, with a high accumulation capacity of Cr in mycelium and highly efficient assisting Pinus thunbergii for phytoremediation. Chemosphere, 224, 862-872

  11. Wu X, Chen JH, Yue XM, Zou JW, Chen YH, Su NN, Cui J. 2019 The zinc-regulated protein (ZIP) family genes and glutathione s-transferase (GST) family genes play roles in Cd resistance and accumulation of pak choi (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 183, 109571.

  12. Zhu ZB, Huang YF, Wu X, Liu ZL, Zou JW, Chen YH, Cui J*, Su NN*. 2019 Increased antioxidative capacity and decreased cadmium uptake contribute to hemin-induced alleviation of cadmium toxicity in Chinese cabbage seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 177, 47–57.

  13. Zhuang K, Shi DL, Hu ZB, Xu FL, Chen YH*, Shen ZG. 2019 Subcellular accumulation and source of O2·−and H2O2 in submerged plant Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle under NH4+-N stress condition. Aquatic Toxicology, 207, 1-12.

  14. Tang YZ, Shi L, Zhong KC, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2019 Ectomycorrhizal fungi may not act as a barrier inhibiting host plant absorption of heavy metals. Chemosphere, 215, 115-123.

  15. Wu X, Zhu ZB, Chen JH, Huang YF, Liu ZL, Zou JW, Chen YH, Su NN, Cui J. 2019 Transcriptome analysis revealed pivotal transporters involved in the reduction of cadmium accumulation in pak choi (Brassica chinensis L.) by exogenous hydrogen-rich water. Chemosphere, 216, 684-697.

  16. Shi L, Xue JW, Liu BH, Dong PC, Wen ZG, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2018 Hydrogen ions and organic acids secreted by ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus sp1, are involved in the efficient removal of hexavalent chromium from waste water. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 161, 430-436.

  17. Wen ZG, Shi L, Tang YZ, Hong LZ, Xue JW, Xing JC, Chen YH*, Nara K. 2018 Soil spore bank communities of ectomycorrhizal fungi in endangered Chinese Douglas-fir forests. Mycorrhiza, 28, 49-58.

  18. Wang J, Wang X, Li J, Zhang HX, Xia Y, Chen C, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2018 Several newly discovered Mo-enriched plants with a focus on Macleaya cordata. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 26493-26503.

  19. Liu Y, Liu YY, Zhang QF, Fu BS, Cai J, Wu JZ*, Chen YH*. 2018 Genome-wide association analysis of quantitative trait loci for salinity-tolerance related morphological indices in bread wheat. Euphytica, 214, 10.

  20. Xiao TW, Mi MM, Wang CY, Qian M, Chen YH, Zheng LQ, Zhang HS, Hu ZB, Shen ZG, Xia Y. 2018 A methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase, OsMSRB5, is required for rice defense against copper toxicity. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 153, 45-53.

  21. Cheng D, Tan MP, Yu HJ, Li L, Zhu DD, Chen, YH, Jiang MY. 2018 Comparative analysis of Cd-responsive maize and rice transcriptomes highlights Cd co-modulated orthologs. BMC genomics, 19, 709.

  22. Tan MP, Cheng D, Yang YN, Zhang GQ, Qin MJ, Chen J, Chen YH, Jiang MY. 2017 Co-expression network analysis of the transcriptomes of rice roots exposed to various cadmium stresses reveals universal cadmium-responsive genes. BMC Plant Biology, 17, 194.

  23. Wang C, Wang J, Wang X, Xia Y, Chen C, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2017 Proteomic analysis of roots of Oenothera glazioviana seedlings under copper-stress conditions. Scientific Reports, 7, 10589.

  24. Shi L, Wang J, Liu BH, Nara K, Lian CL, Shen ZG, Xia Y, Chen YH*. 2017, Ectomycorrhizal fungi reduce the light compensation point and promote carbon fixation of Pinus thunbergii seedlings to adapt to shade environments. Mycorrhiza, 27, 823-830.

  25. Zhou XSH, Fu L, Xia Y, Zheng LQ, Chen C, Shen ZG,Chen YH*. 2017 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance the copper tolerance of Tagetes patula through the sorption and barrier mechanisms of intraradical hyphae. Metallomics, 9, 936-948,989.

  26. Wen ZG, Shi L, Tang YZ, Shen ZG, Xia Y, Chen YH*. 2017 Effects of Pisolithus tinctorius and Cenococcum geophilum inoculation on pine in copper-contaminated soil to enhance phytoremediation. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 19, 387-394.

  27. Li SH, Wang J, Gao NX,Liu LZ, Chen YH*. 2017 The effects of Pantoea sp.Y4-4 on alfalfa in the remediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soil and auxiliary impacts of plant residues on the remediation of saline alkali soils. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 63, 278-286.

  28. Gu XB, Gao ZH*, Yan YC, Wang XY, Qiao YS, Chen YH*. 2017 RdreB1BI enhances drought tolerance by activating AQP-related genes in transgenic strawberry. plant physiology and biochemistry, 119, 33-42.

  29. Hong CY, Cheng, D, Zhang GQ, Zhu DD, Chen YH, Tan MP. 2017 The role of ZmWRKY4 in regulating maize antioxidant defense under cadmium stress. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 22;482, 1504-1510.

  30. Xu XH, Chen C, Zhang Z, Sun ZH, Chen YH, Jiang JD, Shen ZG. 2017 The influence of environmental factors on communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Chenopodium ambrosioides revealed by MiSeq sequencing investigation. Scientific Reports, 7(45134).

  31. He Y, Rui HY, Chen C, Chen YH, Shen ZG. 2016 The role of roots in the accumulation and removal of cadmium by the aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 13308-13316.

  32. Chen C, Zhang JN, Lu M, Qin C, Chen YH, Yang L, Huang QW, Wang JC, Shen ZG, Shen QR. 2016 Microbial communities of an arable soil treated for eight years with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52, 455-467.

  33. Chen C, Lei WR, Lu M, Zhang JN, Zhang Z, Luo CL, Chen YH, Hong Q, Shen ZG. 2016 Characterization of Cu(II) and Cd(II) resistance mechanisms in Sphingobium sp. PHE-SPH and Ochrobactrum sp. PHE-OCH, and their potential application in the bioremediation of heavy metal-phenanthrene co-contaminated sites. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 1-12.

  34. Zong K, Huang J, Nara K, Chen YH, Shen ZG, Lian CL. 2015 Inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi contributes to the survival of tree seedlings in a copper mine tailing. Journal of Forest Research, 20, 493-500.

  35. Han Y, Chen G, Chen YH, Shen ZG. 2015 Cadmium Toxicity and Alleviating Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid in Iris hexagona. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 95:796-802.

  36. Yang L, Jiang LF, Wang GP, Chen YH, Shen ZG, Luo CL. 2015 Assessment of amendments for the immobilization of Cu in soils containing EDDS leachates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 16525-16534.

  37. Chen YH, Nara K, Wen ZG, Shi L, Xia Y, Shen ZG, Lian CL. 2015 Growth and photosynthetic responses of ectomycorrhizal pine seedlings exposed to elevated Cu in soils. Mycorrhiza, 25, 561-571.

  38. Fu L, Chen C, Wang B, Zhou XS, Li SH, Guo P, Shen ZG, Wang GP, Chen YH*. 2015 Differences in copper absorption and accumulation between copper-exclusion and copper-enrichment plants: a comparison of structure and physiological responses. PLoS ONE, 10, e0133424.

  39. Wen ZG, Murata M, Xu ZY, Chen YH*, Nara K*. 2015 Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities on the endangered Chinese Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga sinensis) indicating regional fungal sharing overrides host conservatism across geographical regions. Plant and Soil, 387, 189-199.

  40. Cao ZW, Wang SX, Wang T, Chang ZZ, Shen ZG, and Chen YH*. 2015 Using contaminated plants involved in phytoremediation for anaerobic digestion. International journal of Phytoremediation 17, 201-207.

  41. Gu XB, Chen YH, Gao ZH, Qiao YS, Wang XY. 2015 Transcription factors and anthocyanin genes related to lowtemperature tolerance in rd29A:RdreB1BI transgenic strawberry. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 89, 31-43.

  42. Guo P, Wang T, Liu YL, Xia Y, Wang GP, Shen ZG, Chen YH*. 2014 Phytostabilization potential of evening primrose (Oenothera glazioviana) for copper-contaminated. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21, 631-640.

  43. Hu W, Lv YY, Lei WR, Li X, Chen YH, Zheng LQ, Xia Y, Shen ZG. 2014 Cloning and characterization of the Oryza sativa wall-associated kinase gene OsWAK11 and its transcriptional response to abiotic stresses. Plant and Soil, 384, 1-2.

  44. Liu YL, Xia Y, Guo P, Wang GP, Shen ZG, Xu YC, Chen YH*. 2013 Copper and bacterial diversity in soil enhance paeonol accumulation in cortex moutan of paeonia suffruticosa cv ‘Fengdan’. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology, 54, 331-337.

  45. Yang RX, Luo CL, Chen YH, Wang GP, Xu Y, and Shen ZG. 2013 Copper-resistant bacteria enhance plant growth and copper phytoextraction. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 15, 573-584.

  46. Yang L, Luo CL, Liu Y, Quan LT, Chen YH, Shen ZG. 2013 Residual effects of EDDS leachates on plants during EDDS-assisted phytoremediation of copper contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment. 444, 263-270.

  47. Sun JY, Cui J, Luo CL, Gao L, Chen YH, Shen ZG, 2013. Contribution of cell walls, non-protein thiols, and organic acids to cadmium resistance in two cabbage varieties. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 64, 243-252.

  48. Feng ZH, Li XH, Lu CC, Shen ZG, Xu FL, Chen YH*. 2012 Characterization of Pseudomonas mendocina LR capable of removing nitrogen from various nitrogen-contaminated water samples when cultivated with Cyperus alternifolius L., Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 114, 182-187.

  49. Xia Y, Qi Y, Yuan YX, Wang GP, Cui J, Chen YH, Zhang HS, Shen ZG. 2012 Overexpression of Elsholtzia haichowensis metallothionein 1 (EhMT1) in tobacco plants enhances copper tolerance and accumulation in root cytoplasm and decreases hydrogen peroxide production,Journal of Hazardous Materials. 233- 234, 65-71.

  50. Xia Y, Lv YY, Yuan YX, Wang GP, Chen YH, Zhang HS, Shen ZG. 2012 Cloning and characterization of a type 1 metallothionein gene from the copper-tolerant plant Elsholtzia haichowensis. Acta Physiol Plant, 34, 1819-1826.

  51. Wang AG, Luo CL, Yang RX, Chen YH, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2012 Metal leaching along soil profiles after the EDDS application, A field study. Environmental Pollution, 164, 204-210.

  52. Qin C, Luo CL,Chen YH, Shen ZG. 2012 Spatial-based assessment of metal contamination in agricultural soils near an abandoned copper mine of eastern China. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 89, 113-118.

  53. Gao L, Peng KJ, Chen YH, Wang GP, Shen ZG. 2012 Roles of apoplastic peroxidases, laccases, and lignification in the manganese tolerance of hyperaccumulator Phytolacca Americana,Acta Physiol Plant, 34, 151-159.

  54. Wu F., Liu Y., Xia Y., Shen Z.G, Chen Y.H*. 2011 Copper contamination of soils and vegetables in the vicinity of Jiuhuashan copper mine, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 64, 761-769.

  55. Peng KJ, Luo CL, Chen YH, Wang GP, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2009 Cadmium and other metal uptake by lobelia chinensis and solanum nigrum from contaminated soils. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 83, 260-264.

  56. Wu YF, Chen YH, Yi YJ, Shen ZG. 2009 Responses to copper by the moss Plagiomnium cuspidatum: Hydrogen peroxide accumulation and the antioxidant defense system. Chemosphere, 74, 1260-1265.

  57. Chen YH, Wang CC, Wang GP, Luo CL, Mao Y, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2008 Heating treatment schemes for enhancing chelant-assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27, 888-896.

  58. Xiao WL, Luo CL, Chen YH, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2008 Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by wild plants growing on copper mine spoils in China. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39, 315-328.

  59. Chen YH, Mao Y, He SB, Guo P, Xu K. 2007 Heat stress increases the efficiency of EDTA in phytoextraction of heavy metals. Chemosphere, 67, 1511-1517.

  60. Wang C, Shen Z, Li X, Luo C, Chen Y, Yang H. 2004 Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils and stream sediments near a copper mine in Tongling, People’s Republic of China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 73, 862-869.

  61. Chen YH, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2004 The use of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) in the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 1553-1565.

  62. Chen YH, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2004 Leaching and uptake of heavy metals by ten different species of plants during an EDTA-assisted phytoextraction process. Chemosphere, 57, 187-196.

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