


发布时间:2022年11月02日 10:57 | 编辑:成丹 | 作者:








2022.08 — 至今 讲师 菠菜信誉平台集合网 菠菜资源网 植物学

2020.11 — 2021.11  访问学者  韩国高丽大学 生命科学与生物技术学院 环境生态工学

2019.01 — 2022.07 团队博士后 菠菜信誉平台集合网 资源与环境学院 农业资源与环境

2013.09 — 2018.12  博士   菠菜信誉平台集合网 菠菜资源网 植物学

2009.09 — 2013.06 学士  菠菜信誉平台集合网 植物保护学院 生态学





1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31901180,厌氧硝酸还原酶调控 Pisolithus sp.1 CrVI)的胞外还原机制,2020.01-2022.1224万元,在研;

2. 博士后国际交流计划派出项目,2020105Combined remediation of CrVIcontaminated soil by biochar, hyperaccumulator and PGPR2020.11-2022.1130万元,结题;

3. 65批中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2019M651845,外生菌根真菌提高日本黑松六价铬耐性作用机制研究,2019.05-2022.78万元,结题;

4. 中央高校基本业务费青年项目,KYQN2020612020.01-2020.1210万元,结题。


1. Shi L#., Li J#., Palansooriya K.N., Chen Y.H., Hou D.Y., Meers E., Tsang D.C.W., Wang X.N*., Ok Y.S*., 2022. Modeling phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils through machine learning. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 129904.

2. Shi L., Zhao X., Zhong K.C., Jia Q.Y., Shen Z.G., Zou J.W., Chen Y.H*., 2022. Physiological mechanism of the response to Cr(VI) in the aerobic denitrifying ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus sp.1. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 429: 128318.

3. Shi L., Liu B.H., Zhang X.Z., Bu Y., Shen Z.G., Zou J.W., Chen Y.H*., 2022. Cloning of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase genes and their functional analysis in regulating Cr(VI) reduction in ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus sp.1. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13: 926748.

4. Shi L#., Hou Y.N#., Chen Z.M., Bu Y., Zhang X.Y., Shen Z.G., Chen Y.H*., 2022. Impact of polyethylene on soil physicochemical properties and characteristics of sweet potato growth and polyethylene absorption. Chemosphere. 302: 134734.

5. Shi L., Dong P.C., Song W.Y., Li C.X., Lu H.N., Wen Z.G., Wang C.C., Shen Z.G., Chen Y.H*., 2020. Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals novel insights into the response to Cr(VI) exposure in Cr(VI) tolerant ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus sp. 1 LS-2017. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 188: 109935.

6. Shi L., Deng X.P., Yang Y., Jia Q.Y., Wang C.C., Shen Z.G., Chen Y.H*., 2019. A Cr(VI)-tolerant strain, Pisolithus sp.1, with a high accumulation capacity of Cr in mycelium and highly efficient assisting Pinus thunbergii for phytoremediation. Chemosphere. 224:862-872.

7. Shi L., Xue J.W., Liu B.H., Dong P.C., Wen Z.G., Shen Z.G., Chen Y.H*., 2018. Hydrogen ions and organic acids secreted by ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus sp.1, are involved in the efficient removal of hexavalent chromium from waste water. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 161: 430-436.

8. Shi L., Wang J., Liu B.H., Nara K., Lian C.L., Shen Z.G., Xia Y*., Chen Y.H*., 2017. Ectomycorrhizal fungi reduce the light compensation point and promote carbon fixation of Pinus thunbergii seedlings to adapt to shade environments. Mycorrhiza. 27(8): 823-830.

9. Palansooriya K.N#., Shi L#., Sarkar B., Parikh S.J., Sang M.K**., Lee S.R., Ok Y.S*., 2022. Effect of LDPE microplastics on chemical properties and microbial communities in soil. Soil Use and Mangement. 38(3): 1481-1492.

10. Wang J., Liu J.Q., Zhou J.Y., Chang L., Shen Z.G., Shi L*., Chen Y.H*., 2022. Rhizosphere effect on physicochemical properties and immobilization performance of biochar. Water Air Soil Pollution. 233: 438.

11. Xia S.L., Wang J., Chen Z.M., Lan H., Shen Z.G., Shi L*., Chen Y.H., 2021. Foliar application of several reagents reduces Cd concentration in wheat grains. Environmental science and pollution research. 29: 17150-17161.

12. Yang Y., Xia S.L., Li J.M., Zhong K.C., Wang J., Shi L**., Chen Y.H*., 2021. Screening of Foliar Barrier Agents and Reduces the Absorption and Transport of Cd in Wheat. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 108(2): 372-378.

13. Liu B.H., Wang S.X., Wang J., Zhang X.Z., Shen Z.G., Shi L*., Chen Y.H**., 2020. The great potential for phytoremediation of abandoned tailings pond using ectomycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris. Science of the Total Environment. 719: 137475.

14. Liu Y., Chen Y.R., Yang Y., Zhang Q.F., Fu B.S., Cai J., Guo W., Shi L**., Wu J.Z*., Chen Y.H., 2020. A thorough screening based on QTLs controlling zinc and copper accumulation in the grain of different wheat genotypes. Environmental science and pollution research. 28(12): 15043-15054.

15. Jiang M.L., Wang S.X., Chen M.Y., Lu H.N., Chen Y.H., Shi L*., 2020. Recycling of Chemical Eluent and Soil Improvement After Leaching. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 104(1): 128-133.

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